LinkedIn MWF Interest Group Microbiocide discussion that ran from August through September 2012. A question about microcbiocide selection for semisynthetic MWF triggered a lively discussion that included more than 50 posts. Although some of the posts contained useful information, a substantial number were based on limited experience and unsupportable personal impressions. I’ve compiled my contributions to the LinkedIn discussion and had a number of MWF industry experts review them for relevance and accuracy before posting them here. Read my compiled comments…
2001 L.U.S.T.Line article on microbiologically influenced corrosion in fuel system underground storage tanks removed from BCA’s website. In October 2012, I received a letter from the Fiberglass Tank & Pipeline Institute’s (FTPI) attorney, demanding that I remove this article. In the article I had speculated about the likely mechanism and appearance of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) tank failure if such failure was due to biodeterioration. My hypothesis was based on FRP failure mechanisms that had been reported in the scientific literature (see bibliography). However, as a measure of good will, I have removed the offending article form this website and have replaced it with a PDF of my exchange with FPTI’s attorney. Read more…
Correction – The version of Non-conventional Methods for Estimating Bioburdens in Fuel Systems Rapidly that has been available on the website was missing the Discussion & Conclusion sections. The incomplete paper has now been replaced with a complete version. Read the full paper…