December 16th, 2016



I’m starting this post with an illustration from one of my recent presentations (click on the image to enlarge it). The quote is from Daniel Kahneman’s book: Thinking, Fast and Slow. It reminds us of how often our perceptions are much more limited than we realize. Let’s turn to the circles to the right of the quote.



December 1st, 2016

In his 1967 book, “The Use of Lateral Thinking” Edward di Bono introduced the concept identified in the book’s title. He contrasted “lateral thinking” against “linear thinking” and argued that successful resolution of any challenge required both types of thinking. What does this have to do with detecting microbes in fuel systems. Standard Practices, such as PEI’s RP900 “Recommended Practices for the Inspection and Maintenance of UST Systems”, are examples of excellent linear…


November 16th, 2016

When I ask petroleum retailers if they have microbial problems in their fuel systems, almost always, the answer is: “No!”. After reading EPA’s recent report – Investigation of Corrosion Influencing Factors in Underground Storage Tanks with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Service – I felt better; sort of. The report’s Executive Summary states: “We observed 83 percent of the inspected tanks had moderate or severe metal corrosion. Prior to our research inspections, less than 25 percent of…


October 5th, 2016

ASTM E2694, Method for Measurement of Adenosine Triphosphate in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids, was first approved in 2009. The 2016 revision of the method has just been published by ASTM ( This version includes a new Appendix X4 that provides a protocol for differentiating between bacterial and fungal contamination in metalworking fluids. I had first written about this protocol here in my 04 May 2015 blog. The original research on which the ASTM E2694 revision was based was…


August 30th, 2016

I’ve recently had the privilege of co-authoring a paper with Dr. Griselle Montenaz, and others, on the use of LuminUltra Technology Ltd’s QGO-M test method to screen aqueous polymer emulsions (APE) for microbial contamination.  The paper describing the use of  QGO-M XL measuring cellular adenosine triphosphate (cATP) in aqueous polymer emulsions (APE) has just been published in the journal: International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation (IBB; 114 (2016) 216-221;…



  • Consulting Services
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Microbial Audits
  • Training and Education
  • Biocide Market Opportunity Analysis
  • Antimicrobial Pesticide Selection

